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  • Faction:Unaffiliated


    To provide some aid and incentive for aspiring staminadventurers, the three factions have collectively decided to issue basic equipment to anyone who reaches experience level 2.


    • ??????


    • 106 EXP
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister gerald Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account Cheerio MINGW64 Alhe Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Talkion Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran Dovahel LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Many Rescores Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer volt20 xRaPpApErx implode Dean CrashCringle12 wrsw Samuelio MJ12 TylerMoment Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud itsjusowl Swaglord Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Aoba Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx PCBoyGames luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua rynker stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew Emmy plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc defekTiVE Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY Viper byron CompleteYoshi BONG DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros mxl100 CrackedCaptain dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL HannahPadd richtr8 arx atomcat Robo-Qui? ddrneel topet Lisek tum Zydra Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi Jester PUYO JOKR Badjas Meogu NinuKinuski barrysir NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 slybat Pushmataha xancara andkaseywaslike Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Sidro Myleszey babyalan Salsa DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha Raijin29a6 MohaHtn meowtastic watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan ricetoasted Raidos intriguing MetricConversion xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Darkuo Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox Gr00txD BradyRyan White testarchi2 T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Sakimotor yutsi Kirituin Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 vintogigue captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Drazu Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov Furystomper REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy birds_R_reptiles ryany0 xopher CEXX mustanginexile KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse Mikuli Jose_Varela centripital lumpky TakuMii CardboardBox Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi AzraeL bader Unspecified NicholasNRG angelXboy cloverwolf CLINTBEASTWOOD mrtong96 Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA AdmiraL_ITG kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 Delirium89 qazd chungus Hiiro Wormi NDGO _Temeraire Level9Chao Frky sidopolis pasgetti Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker ADavalosJR GenesisRapshodos Pymodule Akroma SailorMoonElite YggBasil XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty Kralde NYOOOOOM SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat Snil4 Teperoo Jennergy GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms Stefe werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Clan TX Hidden Namidael Nina c3_maxx joowon LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix scott som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Sbuxsurg DoctEr358 Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing slime Kibazuka Koso lafv54 PennPal CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Chi_Ponyo warriorddr Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur TheStoopid Kuboxxxxx DaKree RD BigCMA87 Judicium Nemesis Horsey !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Tuhka Widget ThisIsBroken CABO Clasko Yani zulrah KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY N30S Grima AGreenRupee HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty Fieoner devilzukin NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat Kaps SheepyChris kadef Razpberrie zQera Santiii Andz Gloves Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG OverKlockD PerfectTaste Raazar WokeMoralist69 FredFuchs Beta DJPandaga Mikerob JordanGirardot Zenius Estebantelz SYN.(period) Guuppa mld Snow Latte typobox tim MrMeatloaf jUN CSK Fanatik25 PenguinLordX WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks asterism0 TigerShark Stru SPVLABS NoBarNao 4199 DanceMeeps Shadows kiko Zlew Kheirn c sabidesu Mallow Xidi Stikam maboesanman Matt R apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Yunch GokouRuri cuteshark1 Jiyu Dancefreak sora1700 Jolie LaybugTheRaven whisper Twix BadOppa xapa Borisaur sp0kes ForkySpoon hlp DerpyPengu DEVLZUKN anti_fun Peli Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ lucky DanielsanX4A Meta-link Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Siren Pan Woonoo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Caji123 Popplio remonia undrscore migz copas Zivie87


    In furtherance of the support being offered to staminadventurers, a special relic will be presented to those who are able to achieve experience level 50.


    • Reach Life Level 50


    • 1840 EXP
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle dimo MINGW64 Snoman _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs Telperion Highflyer lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V help Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim Many Rescores DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode wrsw MJ12 ElPapaCosmico obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Over_Blaze Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc Doughbun byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo callmisoko hk LEISHEN. natano xancara Geff Doublegambler SkeletonDance erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Sidro TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! Zui Kigha Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan Higgy IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco maybe Slowest MistyGriotte brandon k- FideLin baraka DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz DATURA_S aryla yutsi Akeem ITG The Groove Beremy CEXX diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt hegza Fanion CardboardBox Lumi Rangifer kimiko Darkstar SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan Shi0-X Daz4 Mekki neyoru Kyy RD Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani NDimensional Chance R. taeman djlunatix SAN REMO UK.s34n apathetique robin_ remonia


    Only elite staminadventurers reach the coveted experience level 99, and those that do so are gifted a remarkable relic.


    • Reach Life Level 99


    • 18820 EXP
    • 1106 Gold


    The madcap nvITG (supposedly, this name stands for 'Needs Vtubers In The Groove') seeks to further his descent into degeneracy and is looking to collect some very specific monsters. You notice he's wearing a yellow shirt that says 'I <3 Immanity' on it. Maybe a clue for what he's looking for?


    • ??????


    • 102 EXP
    • 15 Gold
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule YUZU Steve_V help samross NekoMithos in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Lokovodo cg505 Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Doughbun joshhead CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG Freis Sal! Zui Kigha MohaHtn watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Kirituin Staminable Koral Ayaka bogo captaintobs Eleftheria chobo Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ryany0 CEXX PRO.Gemi diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion lumpky TakuMii HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi cloverwolf Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF chungus NDGO Frky pasgetti TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar SebaZzZz_TCOL GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Namidael Nina joowon LaplaceFox Mekki bobayubi SSRCHILE yyr DoctEr358 sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons Yani ST3V_IORY N30S Grima BigPenguin ChubbyThePhat kadef Razpberrie zQera Santiii Andz Chance R. taeman HURG Estebantelz Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO MausSqueaks NoBarNao kiko maboesanman apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf sora1700 xapa ForkySpoon anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo




    • ??????


    • 105 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores Xynn riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo Rarily _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule YUZU Steve_V help samross in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady dlim Thumbsy DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Gyzarus Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead OMGasm Jerros LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx juno2 LOG Sal! Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx freddy15204 IcyCold PinkDad MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Suolainen MistyGriotte brandon k- Daikyi FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral captaintobs Eleftheria Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ryany0 PRO.Gemi diablos Accioskullar takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion lumpky TakuMii sumikk0 antec Lumi Maybell Eigenhart kimiko pasgetti TaikiHarada LEO2DX Akroma Darkstar tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X werdwerdus Namidael LaplaceFox Mekki SSRCHILE yyr sigonasr2 neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert lafv54 Struz Kyy TheMusserO Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima BigPenguin ChubbyThePhat Chance R. taeman HURG LuckJury SAN REMO apathetique robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo


    As a relatively new face in the world of monster rearing, ChasePines is hoping that a helpful individual or two could square off against one of his creations. The monster he has in mind for this job is specifically intended to combat novice staminadventurers, which means just about anyone should be able to do the work. He'll compensate you, of course!


    • ??????


    • 94 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo Cheerio Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule YUZU Steve_V Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Zylos UMECCY Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari eightbitderp Hiloshi Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY byron CompleteYoshi BONG OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey Salsa DarkFyzx nabulator Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha MohaHtn watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Kirituin Koral bogo DoomLord76 captaintobs Eleftheria chobo Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov KaijuBen PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion centripital TakuMii Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi Maybell Eigenhart SleepBAAA kimiko Cheeze NDGO Frky TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker Akroma XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 Namidael Nina LaplaceFox Mekki som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE yyr Salieri sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert Boingloing Koso lafv54 CK89REY Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO DaKree Dental Pantaloons Yani ST3V_IORY N30S Grima HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty BigPenguin kadef Chance R. taeman HURG WokeMoralist69 Estebantelz mld jUN CSK Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix QooMA SAN REMO NoBarNao kiko Xidi maboesanman apathetique Kommisar GokouRuri sora1700 whisper anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo migz


    Word has spread of a docile and, uh, surprisingly weak giant that has blocked a wagon path between the Stamina Nation and the DPRT. If the reports are to be trusted, almost any staminadventurer should be able to handle this job, so it's a good choice for those who are still a little wet behind the ears!


    • ??????


    • 97 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Feathers DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen sangyule YUZU Steve_V help samross NekoMithos Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls mang Kerpa StoryTime Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gomusou DdRDan Gyzarus BHappy Lokovodo nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo Emmy plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead Viper byron OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel topet Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey babyalan DarkFyzx nabulator Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis Sal! Zui itg_Kage Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 IcyCold Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Staminable Koral bogo captaintobs chobo Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ITG The Groove xopher CEXX KaijuBen PRO.Gemi Tailsray diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse lumpky HappyLaborDay sumikk0 Lumi Okepa Makoi cloverwolf LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer kimiko Cheeze KevinDGAF qazd chungus NDGO sidopolis pasgetti LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker GenesisRapshodos Akroma XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Hidden Namidael Nina LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE yyr Sbuxsurg Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 ipie4fun JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing lafv54 CK89REY Struz wsupden Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO Horsey Dental Pantaloons Widget ThisIsBroken Clasko Yani KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY N30S Grima nabi no bar BigPenguin kadef Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG SYN.(period) mld Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO NoBarNao Zlew c apathetique Kommisar GokouRuri LaybugTheRaven anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Siren Zivie87


    A council of the Three Nations has decreed an open season once again on Osu monsters, leading to a flurry of staminadventurers aiming to enlist in the efforts. If you can hunt one down, you'll be rewarded and also receive some information on where to hunt some more.


    • ??????


    • 104 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady dlim Thumbsy Many Rescores Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa Hey Bud itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua rynker stormpegy gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 nvanleerdrums Tristan97 KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc Doughbun joshhead byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha MohaHtn watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Darkuo Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Kirituin Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 captaintobs Eleftheria chobo Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 CEXX PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion centripital lumpky TakuMii CardboardBox HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Exsight Unspecified cloverwolf mrtong96 Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Delirium89 qazd chungus NDGO _Temeraire Level9Chao Frky pasgetti TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 Hidden Namidael Nina joowon LaplaceFox Mekki bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr DoctEr358 Salieri sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz NepXUni Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO RD !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani ST3V_IORY N30S Grima HINATA-TCOL NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat Kaps kadef Razpberrie zQera Santiii Andz Gloves Chance R. taeman HURG PerfectTaste Raazar Estebantelz Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks NoBarNao kiko maboesanman apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf GokouRuri Jiyu sora1700 xapa ForkySpoon anti_fun Peli Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE remonia




    • ??????


    • 100 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo Rarily Snoman _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule YUZU Steve_V help samross NekoMithos in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Smalls Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros asellus Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo Cozy jck!! callmisoko hk natano slybat xancara Doublegambler SkeletonDance MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey DarkFyzx Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Sal! Kigha watermoon Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Darkuo Suolainen brandon k- FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Koral captaintobs Eleftheria ryany0 PRO.Gemi diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle Fanion lumpky Lumi Maybell Eigenhart SleepBAAA _Temeraire LEO2DX Akroma Darkstar tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X werdwerdus Namidael joowon LaplaceFox Mekki SSRCHILE sigonasr2 JNooob312 SanHelbert lafv54 Struz Kyy TheMusserO RD Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima BigPenguin Chance R. taeman HURG Fanatik25 Andeh SAN REMO UK.s34n apathetique robin_ Bird Kriptopolis


    StarrySergal has suggested to anyone seeking to spark joy that they should partake in hunting a group of monsters created by him and some others.


    • ??????


    • 98 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc Doughbun joshhead byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox PUYO JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler SkeletonDance buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo captaintobs Eleftheria chobo Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy CEXX PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos litenang takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion TakuMii HappyLaborDay Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi cloverwolf mrtong96 Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko Cheeze KevinDGAF NDGO TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 Namidael joowon LaplaceFox Mekki bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Salieri sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing slime lafv54 CK89REY Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur RD Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Widget Yani ST3V_IORY Grima HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat kadef Chance R. taeman HURG PerfectTaste Raazar FredFuchs Beta Estebantelz mld Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks SPVLABS NoBarNao kiko sabidesu apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf GokouRuri Twix anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo remonia migz




    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 106 EXP
    • 16 BB
    • ??????




    • ??????


    • 99 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango Paige Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal nebbii lolipo dimo MINGW64 Rarily _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V help Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Staphf Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM byron CompleteYoshi Jerros asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! callmisoko trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff Doublegambler erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Myleszey DarkFyzx juno2 LOG Sal! Kigha watermoon trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco plasmaaa no bar maybe Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte brandon k- FideLin ArsNova BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral Eleftheria Akeem PRO.Gemi diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Fanion Lumi kimiko LEO2DX SSmantis Akroma tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X LaplaceFox sigonasr2 neyoru Boingloing Kyy Dental Pantaloons Yani Chance R. SAN REMO UK.s34n robin_ Bird


    A raving lunatic in Harris Vale claims to be royalty from some far-off duchy called Jeuno, and he says he'll give you an 'Airship Pass' if you can kill a 'monster of the sky' and bring him its 'magicite'. Doesn't exactly sound entirely sane, but maybe this is worth looking into?


    • ??????


    • 105 EXP
    • ??????
    Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister gerald Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal nebbii lolipo Some Rescores jenx dimo Alhe Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen sangyule YUZU Steve_V help Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow Ralph Caffery dlim Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari Smalls FabSab44 mang itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gulu DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead byron CompleteYoshi Jerros mxl100 dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator Cirnology juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy IcyCold Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Suolainen brandon k- baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Koral captaintobs Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco CEXX PRO.Gemi diablos takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion lumpky HappyLaborDay Lumi mrtong96 kimiko _Temeraire LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Akroma Darkstar tomnobar SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Namidael Mekki SSRCHILE RazonITG Salieri ipie4fun neyoru BSENSS6 SanHelbert Boingloing lafv54 CK89REY Struz Kyy TheMusserO RD Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima NDimensional BigPenguin kadef Chance R. taeman HURG mld XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO MausSqueaks apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Naraku robin_ Bird migz Zivie87


    The renowned Seer Pluto seeks to commission lightweight armor for herself, wrought from the scales of the hardest of bass-- but she needs someone to procure the materials for her. For the intrepid who deign to fulfill her request, rumor has it that a sojourn along the Slav Coast is likely to reveal many prime locations for fishing ideal specimens to clean the scales from.


    • ??????


    • 98 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Alhe Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Feathers DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help samross NekoMithos Catz Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 nvanleerdrums Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc joshhead JONBUDDY byron CompleteYoshi DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros mxl100 dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator Cirnology juno2 LOG Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Darkuo Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan White T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Kirituin Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 captaintobs Eleftheria chobo Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ITG The Groove ryany0 CEXX mustanginexile PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex diablos Accioskullar takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion centripital lumpky TakuMii Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Exsight cloverwolf mrtong96 Rudeshadow Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 chungus NDGO _Temeraire sidopolis Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 Namidael Nina joowon LaplaceFox Mekki MichaelThomasTrix bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Salieri sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur RD Horsey !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X ThisIsBroken Yani ST3V_IORY N30S Grima HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty NDimensional BigPenguin SheepyChris kadef Razpberrie Andz Gloves Chance R. taeman HURG OverKlockD DJPandaga mld MrMeatloaf CSK Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks SPVLABS NoBarNao kiko Kheirn Stikam maboesanman apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf GokouRuri ForkySpoon anti_fun Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Siren migz Zivie87




    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 106 EXP
    • 13 BB
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Paige Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn nebbii jenx TopherK dimo Rarily _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi YUZU Steve_V help Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON Bran titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY Gooby Snoozer implode Dean MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico obesity102 Smalls itsjusowl Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM CompleteYoshi Jerros asellus Urza Sereni MaxPainNL arx atomcat tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo Kanji666 callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano xancara Doublegambler MCXR1987 PootProducer jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx juno2 LOG Sal! Kigha watermoon Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir Koral Akeem C-lynn Xylex diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt hegza Fanion Lumi arcwil TaikiHarada Akroma tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X sigonasr2 SanHelbert Struz Kyy Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima Chance R. taeman mld SAN REMO kiko apathetique robin_ Bird


    Than on the seashore dry, wet free
    On golden sand is where I'd lay,
    And if I only had my way
    I'd play 'till the sun sets beyond the horizon


    • ??????


    • 101 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa StoryTime Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara HegemonMithos Doublegambler buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK Cirnology LOG skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Staminable Electromuis Koral Ayaka bogo captaintobs chobo Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos litenang takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion TakuMii HappyLaborDay Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi cloverwolf mrtong96 Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko Cheeze KevinDGAF NDGO LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Namidael joowon LaplaceFox Mekki bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Salieri sigonasr2 ipie4fun JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing slime lafv54 CK89REY Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur Dental Pantaloons Widget Yani ST3V_IORY Grima nabi no bar BigPenguin ChubbyThePhat kadef Chance R. taeman HURG PerfectTaste Raazar FredFuchs Beta mld Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO SPVLABS NoBarNao kiko sabidesu apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo migz




    • ??????


    • 97 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Paige Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo dimo Rarily _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi Uiichi YUZU Steve_V help NekoMithos Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow Ralph Caffery dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY Staphf Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari Smalls FabSab44 Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa CompleteYoshi Jerros asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo jck!! callmisoko trescal hk natano Pushmataha Doublegambler erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN DarkFyzx LOG Sal! watermoon Fierra trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx freddy15204 IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco plasmaaa no bar Suolainen MistyGriotte brandon k- FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral captaintobs Akeem babyzionov diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt hegza Fanion Lumi Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko Akroma tomnobar Furious_Dan werdwerdus LaplaceFox Mekki sigonasr2 SanHelbert Kyy Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima ChubbyThePhat Chance R. taeman PerfectTaste SAN REMO apathetique ClenonWolf robin_ Bird


    Murd is hoping someone can give him some snaccs, since his knees hurt too much when he's fighting bigger monsters. You gotta get him something yummy!


    • ??????


    • 95 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo Cheerio MINGW64 Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Highflyer Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help samross NekoMithos in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON poog DanTheMan Bran LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer volt20 xRaPpApErx implode Dean CrashCringle12 wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua rynker stormpegy Rust ITG gulu DdRDan Gyzarus BHappy Lokovodo cg505 Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo Emmy plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY CompleteYoshi DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros CrackedCaptain dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL HannahPadd richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel topet Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Kirituin Dave (Canberra) Koral bogo DoomLord76 captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ITG The Groove Beremy birds_R_reptiles ryany0 xopher CEXX mustanginexile PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Jose_Varela centripital TakuMii Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay antec Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi bader NicholasNRG cloverwolf Rudeshadow Maybell Eigenhart SleepBAAA kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 Delirium89 qazd NDGO _Temeraire sidopolis TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker ADavalosJR GenesisRapshodos Akroma YggBasil XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty Kralde SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat Snil4 GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 Namidael Nina LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr DoctEr358 Salieri sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing Kibazuka Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz wsupden Kyy TheMusserO DaKree Horsey Dental Pantaloons Widget ThisIsBroken Yani zulrah ST3V_IORY N30S Grima HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty devilzukin BigPenguin ChubbyThePhat Kaps SheepyChris kadef Santiii Gloves Chance R. taeman HURG DJPandaga Mikerob JordanGirardot Estebantelz mld MrMeatloaf CSK Fanatik25 PenguinLordX WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO NoBarNao kiko Kheirn c sabidesu Xidi apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Dancefreak BadOppa anti_fun Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Siren remonia migz Zivie87


    Captain Black is looking for some able-bodied staminadventurers to help crew a vessel he's chartered to survey some deep water depths in the lakes of Midwest Coast Stamina. In particular, he's seeking those who can readily defend themselves against water-dwelling fiends.


    • ??????


    • 96 EXP
    • 16 Gold
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo jenx dimo Cheerio MINGW64 Alhe Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos Catz Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari Hiloshi Smalls FabSab44 mang Dingoshi BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Doughbun joshhead byron CompleteYoshi BONG DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros mxl100 dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel topet Lisek tum Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator juno2 LOG Fingy skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- baraka ArsNova hemaglox BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Staminable Koral bogo captaintobs chobo Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov ryany0 mustanginexile PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion lumpky TakuMii Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay Lumi Exsight Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko arcwil KevinDGAF qazd _Temeraire TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Snil4 Furious_Dan Floms werdwerdus Daz4 Namidael Nina joowon Mekki bobayubi SSRCHILE DoctEr358 Salieri sigonasr2 ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz NepXUni Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO RD !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima HINATA-TCOL BigPenguin Appe kadef Andz Chance R. taeman HURG PerfectTaste Raazar mld jUN Fanatik25 XeaLouS djlunatix SAN REMO MausSqueaks kiko maboesanman apathetique Kommisar ForkySpoon Naraku robin_ Bird


    The famed Cirque du Zaia has traveled far and wide through the Three Nations, helmed by the eponymous Ringleader Zaia himself. Being a crafter and collector of oddities, it's rumored that Zaia is always seeking new beasts-- anything from noble to fell-- to add to his infamous Monster Menagerie. If you wish for an audience witih Zaia, you had best come before him with something that will catch his interest.


    • ??????


    • 97 EXP
    • 16 BB
    • 18 Gold
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account Cheerio MINGW64 Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc joshhead byron CompleteYoshi DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel topet Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Sidro Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG Freis skateinmars Sal! Zui itg_Kage Kigha watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan intriguing xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Darkuo Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral bogo captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 xopher CEXX mustanginexile KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse centripital lumpky Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Okepa Makoi cloverwolf CLINTBEASTWOOD mrtong96 Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko Cheeze KevinDGAF qazd chungus NDGO Level9Chao sidopolis pasgetti TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Berserker Akroma XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms Stefe werdwerdus Daz4 Clan TX Hidden Namidael Nina LaplaceFox Mekki MichaelThomasTrix som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Sbuxsurg Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing slime Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz wsupden Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur RD Judicium Nemesis Horsey !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Widget ThisIsBroken Yani ST3V_IORY N30S Grima HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar Fieoner NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat kadef Razpberrie Gloves Chance R. taeman HURG PerfectTaste WokeMoralist69 SYN.(period) mld jUN Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks NoBarNao Zlew c Stikam apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf GokouRuri Jiyu BadOppa DerpyPengu anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Siren remonia undrscore




    • ??????


    • 106 EXP
    • 16 BB
    • 17 Gold
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi VincentITG Paige Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores Xynn Perusal nebbii lolipo TopherK dimo Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane YUZU Steve_V help NekoMithos Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON Bran titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Staphf implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Gyzarus Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM byron CompleteYoshi DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros asellus Urza Sereni arx atomcat tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy callmisoko hk natano slybat Geff Doublegambler erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx Cirnology LOG skateinmars Sal! xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco maybe Darkuo Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte brandon k- FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Electromuis Koral Eleftheria Akeem PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion Lumi SleepBAAA kimiko TaikiHarada LEO2DX tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X LaplaceFox Mekki Kyy Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani ChubbyThePhat Chance R. taeman PerfectTaste djlunatix SAN REMO apathetique robin_ Bird Siren


    A flower shop in Harris Vale is looking for some able individuals to help out with the flowers. In particular, they're interested in anyone who has experience raising red spider lilies.


    • ??????


    • 100 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Alhe Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule YUZU Steve_V Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Gooby Snoozer implode Dean Samuelio Nao Hikari obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 itsjusowl Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Gyzarus BHappy Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Doughbun joshhead byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros mxl100 LAPIS Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo jck!! callmisoko trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff Doublegambler SkeletonDance buntata MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx Cirnology juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral captaintobs Eleftheria Akeem Locoyokopoco CEXX C-lynn Xylex diablos takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse lumpky sumikk0 Lumi Exsight angelXboy Rudeshadow Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer kimiko Delirium89 Hiiro pasgetti LEO2DX Maxximus Akroma Darkstar tomnobar SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 som1sezhi RazonITG DoctEr358 Salieri sigonasr2 ipie4fun neyoru SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing lafv54 CK89REY Struz Chi_Ponyo Kyy TheMusserO RD Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima kadef zQera Chance R. taeman HURG SYN.(period) mld CSK djlunatix SAN REMO apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf DerpyPengu Naraku robin_ Bird migz


    Some old school staminadventurers have gathered at the Bronze Bistro, recounting stories of better days. If you stick around, you might learn where you can hunt a new monster or two!


    • ??????


    • 95 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account MINGW64 Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V help NekoMithos Catz Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran Dovahel LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime itsjusowl Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx PCBoyGames Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gomusou DdRDan Gyzarus BHappy Lokovodo Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead JONBUDDY Viper CompleteYoshi BONG DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL richtr8 arx atomcat Robo-Qui? ddrneel topet Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara andkaseywaslike HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Sidro Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha meowtastic watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Darkuo Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Staminable Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Drazu Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy xopher CEXX KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi Xylex Tailsray diablos litenang takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle yaniel Fanion Hasse centripital lumpky TakuMii Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Okepa Makoi NicholasNRG cloverwolf CLINTBEASTWOOD Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA AdmiraL_ITG kimiko Cheeze KevinDGAF qazd chungus NDGO sidopolis pasgetti Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker Akroma XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty NYOOOOOM SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn Snil4 Jennergy GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Namidael Nina LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix scott som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE yyr Sbuxsurg DoctEr358 Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 SanHelbert Boingloing lafv54 CK89REY Struz wsupden warriorddr Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur Kuboxxxxx DaKree Judicium Nemesis Horsey Dental Pantaloons Tuhka Widget Clasko Yani KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY Grima HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar NDimensional BigPenguin Appe kadef zQera Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG OverKlockD Beta Zenius Estebantelz mld Snow Latte tim MrMeatloaf CSK Fanatik25 WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO TigerShark NoBarNao Zlew Kheirn c Xidi Stikam apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Yunch GokouRuri LaybugTheRaven BadOppa xapa ForkySpoon hlp DEVLZUKN anti_fun Naraku robin_ Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Woonoo undrscore


    There's a pretty vague bounty looking for someone to kill some monsters that are from, uh, Nevada ITG? Maybe something to do with West Coast Stamina?


    • ??????


    • 94 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily Snoman _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos Catz Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa Hey Bud itsjusowl Dingoshi Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy gomusou gulu DdRDan Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel tum arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S wermi JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 jck!! callmisoko hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha Geff Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance MCXR1987 PootProducer jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui watermoon Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- Zaelyx maybe Slowest Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Kevin Durant ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Electromuis Dave (Canberra) bogo DoomLord76 captaintobs Eleftheria Dinosaur Emoji Akeem ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 CEXX C-lynn Xylex diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle hegza Fanion Lumi Exsight Unspecified Rudeshadow Rangifer SleepBAAA kimiko KevinDGAF Delirium89 chungus _Temeraire Level9Chao pasgetti TaikiHarada LEO2DX Maxximus Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn Furious_Dan Shi0-X Hidden joowon LaplaceFox Mekki RazonITG Salieri sigonasr2 neyoru SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Struz NepXUni Kyy RD Dental Pantaloons Yani HINATA-TCOL NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat Kaps kadef zQera Chance R. taeman PerfectTaste Raazar Estebantelz Fanatik25 XeaLouS djlunatix QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks kiko apathetique Kommisar Jiyu sora1700 ForkySpoon robin_ Bird NERO COME PALOMITAS PE remonia




    • ??????


    • 106 EXP
    • 15 BB
    • 17 Gold
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs DDDAAA Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim Thumbsy DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer implode wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Smalls FabSab44 Kerpa Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Gyzarus Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead CompleteYoshi DeathofaStar Jerros asellus Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 Silver Fox JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff Doublegambler SkeletonDance erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx LOG Fingy Sal! Kigha watermoon Fierra trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 PinkDad MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Slowest BreakfastPM brandon k- Daikyi FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral Eleftheria Akeem babyzionov ryany0 CEXX PRO.Gemi Xylex diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle Fanion TakuMii Lumi cloverwolf Maybell Eigenhart kimiko _Temeraire TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Akroma Darkstar tomnobar rilegoat Snil4 Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus LaplaceFox TaroNuke SSRCHILE RazonITG Salieri sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB SanHelbert Struz Kyy TheMusserO DaKree Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima devilzukin BigPenguin Kaps Chance R. taeman HURG MrMeatloaf PenguinLordX SAN REMO apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf robin_ Bird Siren


    Kyy is looking for someone willing to test their mettle against some new, high quality monsters they may or may not be responsible for having created.


    • ??????


    • 99 EXP
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos Catz Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog DanTheMan Bran LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Gooby Snoozer implode Dean Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico obesity102 Smalls Kerpa Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo nvanleerdrums Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros mxl100 asellus Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo jck!! callmisoko hk natano Pushmataha Geff Doublegambler SkeletonDance buntata MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Suolainen SETX JRichie brandon k- FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Electromuis Koral captaintobs Eleftheria Akeem Locoyokopoco ITG The Groove Beremy PRO.Gemi Xylex diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle Fanion HappyLaborDay Lumi cloverwolf Rangifer kimiko KevinDGAF chungus LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker Akroma Darkstar tomnobar SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn Furious_Dan Shi0-X werdwerdus Daz4 LaplaceFox Salieri sigonasr2 neyoru SanHelbert Boingloing Koso lafv54 CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Kyy RD !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani N30S Grima NDimensional kadef Chance R. taeman HURG mld CSK djlunatix SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks SPVLABS apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf GokouRuri Ch1ppy robin_ Bird remonia




    • ??????


    • 99 EXP
    • 14 BB
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores jenx TopherK dimo Rarily Snoman _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule YUZU Steve_V help samross NekoMithos in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico Smalls Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros asellus Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat Lisek tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo Cozy jck!! callmisoko hk natano slybat xancara Doublegambler SkeletonDance MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey DarkFyzx Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Sal! Kigha watermoon Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Darkuo Suolainen brandon k- FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Koral captaintobs Eleftheria ryany0 PRO.Gemi diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt Shpadoinkle Fanion lumpky Lumi Maybell Eigenhart SleepBAAA _Temeraire LEO2DX Akroma Darkstar tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X werdwerdus Namidael joowon LaplaceFox Mekki SSRCHILE sigonasr2 JNooob312 SanHelbert lafv54 Struz Kyy TheMusserO RD Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima BigPenguin Chance R. taeman HURG Fanatik25 Andeh SAN REMO UK.s34n apathetique robin_ Bird Kriptopolis


    There's been a wanted poster floating around for a fiend that goes by the name of... Robert? Hard to make out exactly what the thing looks like, but there's a warning about it being uh, flammable. How odd.


    • ??????


    • 746 EXP
    • ??????


    After years of brutal rule over the myriad rodentine denizens of the Municipality of Mozee, Janus5k's frequent massacres against his squirrel citizenry has led to a massive decline in their population. Fortunately for you, the despot still has an insatiable need to secure his position, and he won't rest while the thought of potential squirrel uprisings eats away at him-- even if his draconian purges result in him becoming the last living creature in the municipality. Will you answer his call to hunt down the little varmints?


    • ??????


    • 761 EXP
    • 135 BB
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Paige Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores dimo Snoman _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs Telperion lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule YUZU Steve_V help in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol DRON Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico hollow dlim Many Rescores DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode MJ12 ElPapaCosmico obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye Zarzob Slowth Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy eltigrechino Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Over_Blaze Lokovodo Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa CompleteYoshi Jerros Urza Sereni tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 wermi JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy callmisoko hk LEISHEN. xancara Geff Doublegambler MCXR1987 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cirnology juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Fierra xiaowuc1 Tonester ITGRyan Higgy IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- maybe Slowest MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- BradyRyan T51R itgaz DATURA_S aryla Electromuis Dave (Canberra) ThreeDimensionalDefect Akeem Furystomper ITG The Groove CEXX diablos takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt Fanion Lumi Rangifer kimiko chungus SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan neyoru Kyy RD !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons Yani NDimensional ChubbyThePhat Chance R. taeman djlunatix SAN REMO apathetique robin_


    Archi is looking for some staminadventurers to test out some new Pendulum monsters. Those without prior experience need not apply!


    • ??????


    • 1836 EXP
    • 273 BB
    • 394 Gold
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Paige Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle dimo MINGW64 Snoman _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Telperion Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane Uiichi YUZU Steve_V Rems help in Okami Synthromancy Coppa Adol DRON LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim Many Rescores DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode MJ12 obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 Dingoshi Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss Zarzob Slowth Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Nato Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Over_Blaze Lokovodo nvanleerdrums KyleTT Amoo plasmaaa Tuuc Doughbun CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros Yam Urza Sereni atomcat tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo callmisoko hk natano Geff Doublegambler MCXR1987 PootProducer jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Mau StefXFN juno2 LOG skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Fierra xiaowuc1 Tonester IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco maybe Slowest MistyGriotte brandon k- FideLin baraka DF.LemmingOnTheRun T51R itgaz DATURA_S aryla Dave (Canberra) Akeem ITG The Groove CEXX diablos takumiAE86 Fanion Lumi Exsight Rangifer kimiko Level9Chao rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan Mekki Kyy RD !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani NDimensional Chance R. taeman PerfectTaste djlunatix SAN REMO UK.s34n apathetique robin_


    Supposedly, some rare monsters can be found deep in some sewers beneath Harris Vale, if you're willing to brave the terrors and smells along the way.


    • ??????


    • 1869 EXP
    • ??????


    There've been some weird newspaper classifieds in some of the major cities around the Three Nations that reference having 'just the pack' for people that are 'looking for a pack that exists.' Also something about some cryptids and an oily Frenchman. Maybe this is referencing a hunting ground for monsters, or maybe it's just some impenetrably non-sensical bullshit. Who knows!


    • ??????


    • 742 EXP
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores dimo MINGW64 Rarily _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs Robbumon kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane YUZU Steve_V help Catz in Okami Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode MJ12 Nao Hikari obesity102 Smalls Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex stormpegy Rust ITG gulu DdRDan Lokovodo Tristan97 Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo callmisoko hk natano Doublegambler MCXR1987 JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey nabulator LOG Sal! Zui Kigha xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar maybe Suolainen brandon k- BradyRyan T51R itgaz aryla Dave (Canberra) Akeem Beremy diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt hegza Fanion lumpky CardboardBox Lumi Rangifer Alto tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X neyoru SanHelbert lafv54 Kyy RD Dental Pantaloons Yani NDimensional kadef Chance R. taeman CSK SAN REMO UK.s34n apathetique Kommisar robin_ Bird


    If you're able to defeat a monster rated 15 or above, an unfamiliar man has offered to give you a special, unfamiliar sword that he promises will grow in strength alongside you.


    • ??????


    • 2061 EXP
    • 273 BB
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique gerald Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle dimo StarrySergal MINGW64 Snoman _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK Jkurs Telperion Talkion DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V Rems help Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran LFK pie titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico hollow dlim Many Rescores DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer implode wrsw MJ12 obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Slowth Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Over_Blaze Lokovodo nvanleerdrums Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa Tuuc Doughbun byron CompleteYoshi OMGasm Jerros CrackedCaptain LAPIS Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel tum Senture ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S wermi PUYO JOKR Badjas Meogu NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 xancara Geff Doublegambler SkeletonDance erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Sidro nabulator TroyNK Cirnology juno2 LOG Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui Kigha Raijin29a6 Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester ITGRyan intriguing xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx IcyCold MegaSphere oyakotaco maybe Slowest MistyGriotte brandon k- FideLin baraka DF.LemmingOnTheRun Gr00txD BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla yutsi Electromuis Dave (Canberra) DoomLord76 Eleftheria Drazu Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Furystomper ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 CEXX diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt hegza Fanion lumpky CardboardBox sumikk0 Lumi Exsight mrtong96 Rangifer kimiko Level9Chao TaikiHarada LEO2DX Darkstar rootkitty SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan Daz4 Mekki Salieri TempPlayer87 neyoru TempPenguin87 Kyy RD !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani Fieoner NDimensional Appe zQera Chance R. taeman PerfectTaste WokeMoralist69 Estebantelz djlunatix SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks apathetique GokouRuri Twix Naraku robin_ Woonoo remonia copas


    A group of a few other staminadventurers is looking for a well-rounded sixth party member for an ambush on some powerful monsters. You'll need to be able to handle yourself against a wide range of 18s in order to help them succeed!


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4794 EXP
    • ??????


    The great mage Abdhaljs is seeking a staminadventurer to loot a particular monster's hoard. The only information he's provided on the listing is that the monster is of extraterrestrial origins.


    • ??????


    • 8580 EXP
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Dear reader, I hope this text finds you well. This book was written to chronicle the life and times of the jej, the fof, and the living memes of the Footspeed Empire.

    You might now be asking yourself why Zaniel is here and not someone else. Well, Zaniel just recently (actually it was a couple years ago) lost a bet and had to get a tattoo of the pensive cowboy emoji on his arm, so he is desperately in need of love and support. If you read this book, please send him a kind message of encouragement and tell him you were sent by the Memepeace Chronicles.


    • Pass anything rated 16 or higher in the 200 BPM Speed Tier


    • 2013 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Once upon a time, StoryTime was the last person Archi had to figure out what to do with for his subset of the 60 Memepeace Chronicles quests that needed to be done for SRPG6.


    • Pass anything rated 18 or higher in the 220 BPM Speed Tier


    • 4956 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 12699 EXP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Song of Songs 4

    Your teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes
    that have come up from the washing,
    all of which bear twins,
    and not one among them is bereaved.


    • Pass anything rated 18 or higher in the 230 BPM Speed Tier


    • 4610 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 11013 EXP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 14198 EXP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    What were some of your first experiences with ITG?

    My first experience with ITG was seeing the ITG1 upgrade-cab at Gameworks Schaumburg back when it first came out. I remember rolling up to play Extreme and seeing this huge crowd around the ITG cabinet. The line was a few hours long, so I wasn't able to play it before my mom had to take me home, but it was really cool to watch everyone do the hands in delirium and fail the first 16th run.

    Eventually I played it and liked the charts but didn't like the lack of anime music compared to DDR, so I wrote it off as a 6.5/10 cool diversion to play until the next DDR mix.


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 7727 EXP
    • 935 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 14466 EXP
    • 7960 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 13900 EXP
    • 8314 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 16004 EXP
    • 15166 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire



    BasedHonk has been isekai'd to a new world-- one where people get swallowed by metal monsters riding on rubber wheels that transport them places, and everyone stares into bright screens that are portals into other dimensions. Fearing... well, everything, he ducks into a Chipotle, where he runs into none other than Zetorux!


    • Pass anything rated 20 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9003 EXP
    • 908 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 13635 EXP
    • 8193 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 17942 EXP
    • 15419 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 19910 EXP
    • 15898 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Oh, meltdown. It's one of these annoying buzzwords. We prefer to call it an unrequested fission surplus.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 260 BPM Speed Tier


    • 12958 EXP
    • 8289 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 12368 EXP
    • 8270 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 16313 EXP
    • 15553 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 34554 EXP
    • 28667 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    You've lived a quiet life under a new identity provided by Memepeace after the horrific stalking you suffered last year at the hands of dirtypiece. Still traumatized by your past experiences, you've taken things a day at a time, and the terror that gripped you has slowly receded.

    On a day like any other, whilst engaged in the mundane task of writing a list of groceries to purchase at the market, you drift into thought. When you come back to your senses, you realize your hands are soaked in sweat, and the bottom half of your shopping list has been completely filled out-- scrawled by an eerily unfamiliar hand. On it are the following words, repeated a multitude of times:

    "Rhythm Horizon automatically tracks your scores on our server and, unlike other dance games, will not lose them or wipe your world records."


    • Pass anything rated 22 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 12574 EXP
    • 7979 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 17771 EXP
    • 16015 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 19044 EXP
    • 15873 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 36402 EXP
    • 28191 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 34653 EXP
    • 27732 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Second-year high school students, Aoreo and Box, run into first-year transfer student, Zetorux, a fellow team member at a local swim club when they were children.

    The trio sneaks into their old pool building to dig up a time capsule they buried when they are reunited with rawinput, the fourth member of their former team who left during middle school to study in Australia. rawinput is rude to them, immediately challenging Aoreo to a race. They nearly face off until discovering the pool is empty.

    The following evening, the trio meets with rawinput's younger sister, Pinkloon, who informs them that rawinput now attends Samezuka Academy. They visit the academy's luxurious nanotorium, breaking in after hours only to be discovered by rawinput, who orders them out. Aoreo steps out of the pool and challenges rawinput to a freestyle race.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 17701 EXP
    • 15005 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 18366 EXP
    • 15847 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 39392 EXP
    • 26727 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 32412 EXP
    • 26764 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 46882 EXP
    • 64588 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    After his brutal execution for his crimes against walls, the fof crew, feeling pity for him, exhumed Pezede's maggot-ridden corpse from the shallow grave it had been dumped in, and resurrected him using a Phoenix Down. Vowing to change his ways and not get in trouble with the law again, Pezede immediately fails to live up to those vows as he is arrested for a failure to obtain a resurrection permit. Despite his protestations that he wasn't the one responsible for the plan to bring him back to life, his stench of death from being newly risen and his prior record causes him to remain detained for a week.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 19498 EXP
    • 15651 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 29639 EXP
    • 26758 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 40373 EXP
    • 28655 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 49105 EXP
    • 67820 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Roses are Redzone
    Violets are Bluezone,
    Sugar is sweet
    And so are you.


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 300 BPM Speed Tier


    • 30974 EXP
    • 27748 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 29236 EXP
    • 26932 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 49776 EXP
    • 63906 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 46228 EXP
    • 66898 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire



    • Pass anything rated 26 or higher in the 310 BPM Speed Tier


    • 39904 EXP
    • 28240 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 47942 EXP
    • 65540 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 49565 EXP
    • 63701 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 48100 EXP
    • 68211 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Rumours abound throughout Varrock and Al-Kharid that an archaeologist has discovered clues to a hoard of treasure hidden deep in the desert, south of Al-Kharid. Anybody prepared to offer him assistance in his treasure hunting could well find themselves benefitting from a very large reward indeed...


    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 320 BPM Speed Tier


    • 50425 EXP
    • 65620 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 50077 EXP
    • 64352 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 47730 EXP
    • 66025 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 49669 EXP
    • 65607 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 48028 EXP
    • 62900 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Levitas's Injury Log, 22nd of December, 5 ABP. My arm doesn't hurt anymore but now my wrists do again.


    • Pass anything rated 29 or higher in the 330 BPM Speed Tier


    • 48566 EXP
    • 62993 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 49414 EXP
    • 63419 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 46407 EXP
    • 67076 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Get rotated, idiot


    • Pass anything rated 30 or higher in the 340 BPM Speed Tier


    • 47508 EXP
    • 62436 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Come one, come all, down to Ringleader Zaia's big top-- Cirque du Zaia!

    "This summer's Festival of Footspeed is sure to excite!
    Bring your friends, your elders, your tykes!
    A rousing show, with many death-defying scenes,
    And even more where the deaths happen, it seems!"

    Admissions now accepting JP as part of a limited time collaboration with Memepeace!

    We are always in need of more performers! Any interested staminadventurers are welcome to live-audition against Le Perv*.

    * Cirque du Zaia assumes no responsibility for death, injury, or shame resulting from the audition process or any subsequent performances.



    • 106 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister gerald Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account Cheerio MINGW64 Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Talkion Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran Dovahel LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Many Rescores Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer volt20 xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 TylerMoment Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud itsjusowl Swaglord Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Aoba Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx PCBoyGames luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew Emmy plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc defekTiVE Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY Viper byron CompleteYoshi BONG DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL HannahPadd richtr8 arx atomcat Robo-Qui? ddrneel topet Lisek tum Zydra Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi Jester JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara andkaseywaslike Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Sidro Myleszey DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha MohaHtn meowtastic watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan Raidos intriguing MetricConversion xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Darkuo Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan White T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Sakimotor yutsi Kirituin Staminable Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 vintogigue captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Drazu Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 xopher CEXX mustanginexile KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse Mikuli centripital lumpky TakuMii Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Okepa Makoi bader Unspecified NicholasNRG cloverwolf CLINTBEASTWOOD Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA AdmiraL_ITG kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 Delirium89 qazd chungus Hiiro Wormi NDGO _Temeraire Level9Chao Frky sidopolis pasgetti Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker ADavalosJR GenesisRapshodos Akroma YggBasil XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty NYOOOOOM SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat Snil4 Teperoo GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Clan TX Namidael Nina c3_maxx LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix scott som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Sbuxsurg DoctEr358 Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing Koso lafv54 PennPal CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur TheStoopid Kuboxxxxx DaKree RD Judicium Nemesis Horsey Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Tuhka Widget CABO Clasko Yani zulrah KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY N30S Grima AGreenRupee HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty devilzukin NDimensional BigPenguin Appe kadef Razpberrie Santiii Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG OverKlockD WokeMoralist69 DJPandaga Mikerob Estebantelz Guuppa mld Snow Latte typobox tim MrMeatloaf CSK Fanatik25 PenguinLordX WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO MausSqueaks asterism0 TigerShark Stru NoBarNao kiko Zlew Kheirn c sabidesu Mallow Xidi Stikam maboesanman Matt R apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Yunch GokouRuri cuteshark1 Jolie LaybugTheRaven BadOppa xapa sp0kes hlp DerpyPengu DEVLZUKN anti_fun Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ lucky DanielsanX4A Meta-link Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Caji123 Popplio undrscore Zivie87
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 105 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo MINGW64 Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Talkion DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB help NekoMithos in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON poog DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico hollow dlim Many Rescores DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Hey Bud Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy DdRDan nvanleerdrums Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM OMGasm Jerros asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Cozy callmisoko trescal hk natano slybat Pushmataha xancara Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx Cirnology LOG Freis Sal! itg_Kage Kigha watermoon Fierra trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy IcyCold PinkDad MegaSphere oyakotaco plasmaaa no bar Slowest MistyGriotte FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral Eleftheria Dinosaur Emoji Akeem babyzionov ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 mustanginexile Xylex diablos Accioskullar takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Fanion lumpky Lumi CLINTBEASTWOOD SleepBAAA kimiko arcwil chungus _Temeraire LEO2DX Akroma tomnobar SebaZzZz_TCOL Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms werdwerdus Daz4 LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke SSRCHILE yyr sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ipie4fun SanHelbert Struz NepXUni Kyy Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Yani N30S Grima NDimensional BigPenguin Chance R. taeman Snow Latte MrMeatloaf Fanatik25 SAN REMO kiko apathetique ClenonWolf GokouRuri robin_ Bird
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 1858 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 19675 EXP
    • 15093 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 32678 EXP
    • 27752 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 9080 EXP
    • 942 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Lately, reports have been coming in of attacks on merchants and travelers in some of the more remote trails through the wilds of the Footspeed Empire. There is a common element in many of these reports: the survivors claim the assailant was some sort of intelligent monster wielding a multitude of firearms. Memepeace has put out a bounty based on this description-- and of course, any successful staminadventure has full rights to any spoils from the beast.


    • ??????


    • 12085 EXP
    • 8151 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades


    The Godfather of Stamina has a grudge against a monster that has inflicted grave offense upon him, and he's put a bounty on its head. He wants it to be a clean hit job, so he's looking for accurate staminadventurers to carry out the task. You'll be well rewarded, of course.


    • ??????


    • 750 EXP
    • 604 Gold
    • 6 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    A group of fanboys dedicated to the revival of @@ are looking for the means to bring him back to life, and they need a steady hand to procure some rare ingredients from monsters. If your attacks are well timed and accurate, you might be the right fit for this work!


    • ??????


    • 1950 EXP
    • 1177 Gold
    • 8 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    Ringleader Zaia is looking for someone to retrieve some cassette tapes for him that he can record some background music on to for one of the shows in his circus. You'll need to be cautious and precise, and you definitely shouldn't ask any questions about whether or not cassette tapes are period-appropriate for this setting.


    • ??????


    • 8187 EXP
    • 2247 Gold
    • 12 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    A contractor is looking for a staminadventurer that can bring them the body of an earth elemental body as intact as possible. Sloppy work isn't going to cut it for this!


    • ??????


    • 4370 EXP
    • 1783 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????




    • ??????


    • 7762 EXP
    • 2211 Gold
    • 12 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    A very vague posting is looking for someone to hunt down a dog-like monster that's been preying on farm animals in the west of the DPRT. It mentions that it's of a family of monsters that "sounds like chameleon", whatever that means. Apparently this is a very crafty monster, so they need someone with a lot of precision to handle the job.


    • ??????


    • 12958 EXP
    • 2791 Gold
    • 14 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    Legend has it that there's a structure floating in the sky over the DPRT, and the TPA is looking for staminadventurers who are qualified to deftly handle tech monsters to help guard an expedition to find and explore it.


    • ??????


    • 12404 EXP
    • 2816 Gold
    • 14 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    Some rich DPRT merchant has been hounded in his dreams by visions of the number one. He's asked that staminadventurers bring him the remains of any monsters related to "one", and wants them to be brought in good condition, which is going to necessitate that they're killed cleanly. It's probably going to take several of them to satisfy this lunatic.


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 32240 EXP
    • 3860 Gold
    • 20 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 49798 EXP
    • 4116 Gold
    • 24 DPRT Accolades
    • ??????


    A strange and powerful class of monster has been seen... cultivating the land, of all things, out in the countryside of the DPRT, and the local farmers kind of want some staminadventurers to kill the things so they can take the lands themselves. Ironically, the remains of these particular monsters are known to serve as a pretty potent fertilizer, so it's been requested that whoever hunts them does so with utmost precision. Oh, and the monsters are evil or something and have probably done awful things, if you're worried about the whole taking the land thing. At least, that's what those farmers say. Good luck!


    • ??????


    • 41941 EXP
    • 3833 Gold
    • 20 DPRT Accolades


    After one hundred kills above 96%, the TPA will give you one last reward.


    • Pass any hundred charts with a 96% or higher


    • 4789 EXP
    • 1798 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades


    There is an additional reward available from the TPA for staminadventurers who are able to slay ten monsters with a 98 or higher.


    • Pass any ten charts with a 98% or higher


    • 2004 EXP
    • 1194 Gold
    • 8 DPRT Accolades


    After fifty kills above 98%, the TPA will give you one last reward.


    • Pass any fifty charts with a 98% or higher


    • 4642 EXP
    • 1794 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades


    There is an additional reward available from the TPA for staminadventurers who are able to slay five monsters with a 99 or higher.


    • Pass any five charts with a 99% or higher


    • 4337 EXP
    • 1785 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 102 EXP
    • 45 BB
    • 2 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar kodensa Archi Mango Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel TheManwich UVCat No Rescores Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo jenx TopherK dimo Rarily miklowcic _CONTROL teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion DDDAAA Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk kelly_kato erictran0 Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi sangyule YUZU Steve_V help NekoMithos Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Aldarole DRON DanTheMan Bran LFK titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja hollow dlim DanPeriod Behy Zylos UMECCY Gooby Snoozer implode Dean wrsw MJ12 Nao Hikari ElPapaCosmico obesity102 Smalls mang Dingoshi Vagabond aye copied from D. Nelson Zarzob MissFitITG Slowth Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx Faker13 Nato scientificRex Franksoua DdRDan Gyzarus Lokovodo Tristan97 KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo plasmaaa ZarinahBBM joshhead OMGasm Jerros LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni richtr8 arx atomcat ddrneel Lisek tum ganbatte COLLETnm7 JOKR Badjas NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy callmisoko hk natano xancara Doublegambler SkeletonDance erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Mau StefXFN Cxxxx Myleszey DarkFyzx LOG Sal! Zui Kigha watermoon Fierra xiaowuc1 kidcrab Rabar0209 ITGRyan xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx MegaSphere oyakotaco plasmaaa no bar maybe Suolainen MistyGriotte FideLin ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox BradyRyan T51R itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Koral captaintobs Akeem PRO.Gemi diablos takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt hegza Fanion Lumi Maybell Eigenhart LEO2DX Akroma Darkstar tomnobar Furious_Dan Shi0-X werdwerdus Namidael LaplaceFox Mekki SSRCHILE sigonasr2 SanHelbert Struz Kyy TheMusserO Dental Pantaloons Yani Grima BigPenguin Chance R. taeman HURG mld Fanatik25 Andeh djlunatix SAN REMO apathetique Kommisar anti_fun robin_ Bird
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    There's supposedly some rare 180 BPM Drum N Bass monsters out there, and if you seek them out, you might be able to uncover something more...


    • ??????


    • 755 EXP
    • 406 BB
    • 4 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4960 EXP
    • 1244 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 18483 EXP
    • 2543 BB
    • 22 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Word on the street is that the Godfather of Stamina is looking for someone that can track down a 'classic' monster for him. It seems you'll be well-compensated-- both monetarily, and in terms of some useful hunting information-- when you succeed in the task.


    • ??????


    • 14025 EXP
    • 2071 BB
    • 16 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4582 EXP
    • 1234 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Wanting some inspiration, Dingoshi has been asking around about where he can find some Hardcore monsters. Maybe if you share with him, he'll share with you!


    • ??????


    • 1927 EXP
    • 810 BB
    • 6 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 13252 EXP
    • 2062 BB
    • 16 SN Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    A terrifying phantasm has taken residence north of Harris Vale, and the hauntings haven't abated in several months. The Stamina Corps is looking for some volunteers to help root out whatever ghost has taken up residence.


    • ??????


    • 47535 EXP
    • 3342 BB
    • 38 SN Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Some monsters in the Stamina Nation have recently been starting businesses, and seeing as they haven't filled out the proper forms to get business licenses-- and also, because they're, you know, monsters-- the Stamina Corps has put out bounties to have them put down.


    • ??????


    • 4639 EXP
    • 1235 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    An additional bounty has posted by the Stamina Corps for slaughtering another five marathon beasts.


    • Pass any ten marathon charts


    • 5019 EXP
    • 1249 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades


    Staminadventurers who accomplish the task of defeating monsters of a sufficiently high difficulty are given a trophy as a reward by the Stamina Corps. In addition, they're allowed seating at the Bronze Bistro, an exclusive food venue in Harris Vale that caters only to other Bronze Qualified clientele, but this leads to some awkward situations where newly-minted bronzies often show up to the restaurant with a trophy in hand, not realizing that they don't actually need to bring it to get a table. Rems is currently overseeing Bistro operations, as he recently acquired the venue; after taking over, he opened the Bistro up to pick-up orders on the tail-end of the Streamscourge pandemic in an effort to try to get the restaurant back on its feet.


    • Pass any 17




    Advancing to defeat beasts of even greater notoriety than Bronze Qualified staminadventurers, those who join the ranks of the Mythril Qualified gather at the Mythril Lounge in Burnie's Glen to talk shop and take a breather between hunting sessions.


    • Pass any 20




    Based out of Rems's hometown in French Coast Stamina, Cafe Crystal is a place for the most veteran Crystal Qualified staminadventurers to meet up. In order to get an invite, though, it's necessary to prove your skill against some seriously dangerous opponents.


    • Pass any 23




    Standing tall above the Palace of Speed in the Footspeed Empire, the Ivory Tower is an exclusive club frequented by Memepeace elites. Only the most powerful staminadventurers-- the Ivory Qualified-- are allowed to set foot inside.


    • Pass any 26




    An odd creature has appeared recently in the DPRT, and its tricky ability to synchronize with other monsters has led the TPA to seek out staminadventurers to try to hunt it down before it becomes a bigger problem. Before the hunt can begin,though, they want to make sure that everyone is collectively able to meet a certain threshold of DPRT accolades-- otherwise, it'd be too risky a venture.


    • Global DPRT Accolades Above 10000


    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister gerald Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account MINGW64 Alhe Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Talkion Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran Dovahel LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Many Rescores Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 TylerMoment Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud itsjusowl Swaglord Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Aoba Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua rynker stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc defekTiVE Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY Viper byron CompleteYoshi BONG DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros mxl100 CrackedCaptain dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL HannahPadd richtr8 arx atomcat Robo-Qui? ddrneel topet Lisek tum Zydra Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi PUYO JOKR Badjas Meogu NinuKinuski barrysir NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey babyalan Salsa DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha meowtastic watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan Raidos intriguing MetricConversion xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox Gr00txD BradyRyan White testarchi2 T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Sakimotor yutsi Kirituin Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 vintogigue captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Drazu Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov Furystomper REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy birds_R_reptiles ryany0 xopher CEXX mustanginexile KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse Mikuli Jose_Varela centripital lumpky TakuMii CardboardBox Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi AzraeL bader Unspecified NicholasNRG angelXboy cloverwolf CLINTBEASTWOOD mrtong96 Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA AdmiraL_ITG kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 Delirium89 qazd chungus Hiiro Wormi NDGO _Temeraire Level9Chao Frky sidopolis pasgetti Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker ADavalosJR GenesisRapshodos Pymodule Akroma SailorMoonElite YggBasil XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty Kralde NYOOOOOM SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat Snil4 Teperoo Jennergy GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms Stefe werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Clan TX Hidden Namidael Nina c3_maxx joowon LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix scott som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Sbuxsurg DoctEr358 Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing slime Kibazuka Koso lafv54 PennPal CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Chi_Ponyo warriorddr Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur TheStoopid Kuboxxxxx DaKree RD BigCMA87 Judicium Nemesis Horsey !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Tuhka Widget ThisIsBroken CABO Clasko Yani zulrah KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY N30S Grima AGreenRupee HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty Fieoner devilzukin NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat Kaps SheepyChris kadef Razpberrie zQera Santiii Andz Gloves Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG OverKlockD PerfectTaste Raazar WokeMoralist69 FredFuchs Beta DJPandaga BigYama Mikerob JordanGirardot Zenius Estebantelz SYN.(period) Guuppa mld Snow Latte typobox tim MrMeatloaf jUN CSK Fanatik25 PenguinLordX WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks asterism0 TigerShark Stru SPVLABS NoBarNao 4199 DanceMeeps Shadows kiko Zlew Kheirn c sabidesu Mallow Xidi Stikam maboesanman Matt R apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Yunch GokouRuri cuteshark1 lililotta Jiyu Dancefreak sora1700 Jolie LaybugTheRaven whisper Twix BadOppa xapa Borisaur sp0kes ForkySpoon hlp Alternate Enjoyer DerpyPengu DEVLZUKN anti_fun Peli Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ lucky DanielsanX4A Meta-link Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Siren Pan Woonoo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Caji123 Popplio remonia undrscore migz copas Zivie87
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Memepeace has mobilized to try to quickly eliminate an invasive species of monster from the Viking Coast before it spreads within the Footspeed Empire's borders. Given that the monsters are somewhat fast, Memepeace wants to make sure that global FE accolades are in a good place before they begin the operation to subjugate the beasts.


    • Global FE Accolades Above 10000


    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi DanteFan97 Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister gerald Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii baniz lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account MINGW64 Alhe Rarily Snoman miklowcic _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Talkion Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON poog LOLWUT DanTheMan Bran Dovahel LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Many Rescores Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Staphf Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 TylerMoment Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud itsjusowl Swaglord Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall BrotherMojo Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Aoba Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua rynker stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT ItsBrittney Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc defekTiVE Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY Viper byron CompleteYoshi BONG DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros mxl100 CrackedCaptain dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL HannahPadd richtr8 arx atomcat Robo-Qui? ddrneel topet Lisek tum Zydra Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi PUYO JOKR Badjas Meogu NinuKinuski barrysir NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey babyalan Salsa DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha meowtastic watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan Raidos intriguing MetricConversion xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox Gr00txD BradyRyan White testarchi2 T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Sakimotor yutsi Kirituin Staminable Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 vintogigue captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Drazu Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov Furystomper REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy birds_R_reptiles ryany0 xopher CEXX mustanginexile KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 housesan Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse Mikuli Jose_Varela centripital lumpky TakuMii CardboardBox Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi AzraeL bader Unspecified NicholasNRG angelXboy cloverwolf CLINTBEASTWOOD mrtong96 Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA AdmiraL_ITG kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 Delirium89 qazd chungus Hiiro Wormi NDGO _Temeraire Level9Chao Frky sidopolis pasgetti Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker ADavalosJR GenesisRapshodos Pymodule Akroma SailorMoonElite YggBasil XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty Kralde NYOOOOOM SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat Snil4 Teperoo Jennergy GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms Stefe werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Clan TX Hidden Namidael Nina c3_maxx joowon LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix scott som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Sbuxsurg DoctEr358 Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing slime Kibazuka Koso lafv54 PennPal CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Chi_Ponyo warriorddr Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur TheStoopid Kuboxxxxx DaKree RD BigCMA87 Judicium Nemesis Horsey !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Tuhka Widget ThisIsBroken CABO Clasko Yani zulrah KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY N30S Grima AGreenRupee HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty Fieoner devilzukin NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat Kaps SheepyChris kadef Razpberrie zQera Santiii Andz Gloves Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG OverKlockD PerfectTaste Raazar WokeMoralist69 FredFuchs Beta DJPandaga BigYama Mikerob JordanGirardot Zenius Estebantelz SYN.(period) Guuppa mld Snow Latte typobox tim MrMeatloaf jUN CSK Fanatik25 PenguinLordX WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks asterism0 TigerShark Stru SPVLABS NoBarNao 4199 DanceMeeps Shadows kiko Zlew Kheirn c sabidesu Mallow Xidi Stikam maboesanman Matt R apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Yunch GokouRuri cuteshark1 lililotta Jiyu Dancefreak sora1700 Jolie LaybugTheRaven whisper Twix BadOppa xapa Borisaur sp0kes ForkySpoon hlp Alternate Enjoyer DerpyPengu DEVLZUKN anti_fun Peli Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ lucky DanielsanX4A Meta-link Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Siren Pan Woonoo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Caji123 Popplio remonia undrscore migz copas Zivie87
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    What happened to Trancemania XI through Trancemania XIX-- and, setting that aside, what about Trancemania IV through VIII? Mysteries abound regarding the perplexing marathon beast that has appeared, threatening various settlements in the Stamina Nation. The Stamina Corps needs some competent staminadventurers who have some experience hunting large monsters to help rout the creature.


    • Global SN Accolades Above 10000


    turn up Fake Flake PkGam Max Forever dom no bar nv kodensa Archi Mango VincentITG Paige tommoda Roujo mattm SirDelins CJPetey antipathetique Ambisinister Janus5k Lot Nebel Cyx TheManwich UVCat dancingmaractus No Rescores artimst Xynn Perusal riler nebbii lolipo Some Rescores Wash the turtle jenx TopherK dimo StarrySergal Inactive Account MINGW64 Alhe Rarily Snoman _CONTROL Captain Carbon Valex teejusb ZoG- Fietsemaker Chabala JJK sore Jkurs Telperion Highflyer Talkion Feathers DDDAAA lucdar Robbumon Zeipher_Hawk Sex kelly_kato erictran0 Dennis Rodman Exschwasion NinjaNabi HALF HORSE HALF MAN Squeener Boi GWen airplane sangyule Uiichi YUZU Steve_V RakkiiCB Rems help samross NekoMithos Catz in Okami Synthromancy t3a Coppa Adol Hunter Aldarole DRON poog DanTheMan Bran Dovahel LFK pie Blizzrdball titandude21 aminuteawayx DF.freyja gatodeplastico Hewhoamareismyself hollow slowunsteady Ralph Caffery dlim Thumbsy Many Rescores Megaman X3 DanPeriod Behy Zylos Burning Pants UMECCY ensypuri teri Rawinput Gooby Snoozer xRaPpApErx implode Dean wrsw Samuelio MJ12 Nao Hikari eightbitderp ElPapaCosmico Hiloshi obesity102 Smalls FabSab44 mang Kerpa StoryTime Hey Bud itsjusowl Swaglord Dingoshi ShootingRiceBall Vagabond aye TommyDoesntMiss copied from D. Nelson Aoba Zarzob Stern MissFitITG Slowth HP-Basarab Maxx-Storm Just A Space Cowboy flip eltigrechino zkldi Azirixx luda Faker13 Adaridan Nato scientificRex Franksoua stormpegy Rust ITG gomusou gulu DdRDan Gyzarus Over_Blaze BHappy Lokovodo cg505 Dimples nvanleerdrums Tristan97 felinecity KyleTT Meatyguy Amoo AppleDew plasmaaa ZarinahBBM Tuuc Doughbun joshhead JONBUDDY Viper byron CompleteYoshi DeathofaStar OMGasm Jerros mxl100 CrackedCaptain dnac10 LAPIS asellus Yam Urza Sereni MaxPainNL HannahPadd richtr8 arx atomcat Robo-Qui? ddrneel topet Lisek tum Zydra Senture arki ganbatte COLLETnm7 RAN.S Silver Fox wermi PUYO JOKR Badjas Meogu NinuKinuski NBCrescendo Kanji666 Cozy jck!! callmisoko trescal hk LEISHEN. natano AleAle48 slybat Pushmataha xancara Geff HegemonMithos Doublegambler DISASTER! WHAT A BAD IDEA SkeletonDance buntata LunaMail erection0 MCXR1987 PootProducer JEN86 jeshusha1 Palitroque Narwhal Prime ICTtoken Pocho Mau limitin Frantalicious StefXFN Cxxxx Sev MIKO Myleszey babyalan Salsa DarkFyzx nabulator TroyNK nifterific Cirnology juno2 LOG Fingy Freis skateinmars Sal! L3andr0ITG Zui itg_Kage Kigha meowtastic watermoon Fierra Yucky trueblue410 xiaowuc1 kidcrab Tonester Rabar0209 ITGRyan Raidos MetricConversion xX_n3k04n6e1z_Xx Higgy freddy15204 MY BRAND IcyCold PinkDad Quesadilla MegaSphere oyakotaco Halogen- plasmaaa no bar Zaelyx maybe Slowest BreakfastPM Suolainen MistyGriotte SETX JRichie brandon k- Daikyi Kevin Durant FideLin baraka ArsNova DF.LemmingOnTheRun hemaglox testarchi2 T51R MAR1SA itgaz Illuminoir DATURA_S aryla Sakimotor yutsi Electromuis Dave (Canberra) Koral Ayaka bogo DoomLord76 captaintobs Eleftheria chobo ThreeDimensionalDefect Dinosaur Emoji Akeem Locoyokopoco babyzionov Furystomper REI_Z3R0 ITG The Groove Beremy ryany0 CEXX KaijuBen beeabay PRO.Gemi C-lynn Xylex Tailsray diablos Accioskullar litenang takumiAE86 Chocol@inMatt DaveGS Shpadoinkle hegza yaniel Fanion Hasse lumpky TakuMii CardboardBox Alex C. Rock HappyLaborDay sumikk0 antec Lumi Exsight Okepa Makoi NicholasNRG cloverwolf mrtong96 Rudeshadow LT Maybell Eigenhart Rangifer SleepBAAA AdmiraL_ITG kimiko Cheeze arcwil KevinDGAF Jarem24 Delirium89 qazd chungus Hiiro NDGO _Temeraire Level9Chao sidopolis pasgetti Alto TaikiHarada LEO2DX SSmantis Maxximus Berserker GenesisRapshodos Akroma SailorMoonElite XjojoX Darkstar tomnobar rootkitty NYOOOOOM SebaZzZz_TCOL Wenn rilegoat Snil4 Teperoo Jennergy GaboMan Furious_Dan Shi0-X Floms Stefe werdwerdus INEJ Daz4 Clan TX Hidden Namidael Nina c3_maxx joowon LaplaceFox Mekki TaroNuke MichaelThomasTrix scott som1sezhi bobayubi SSRCHILE RazonITG yyr Sbuxsurg DoctEr358 Salieri Savonchan sigonasr2 TempPlayer87 ATB ipie4fun neyoru JNooob312 BSENSS6 SanHelbert TempPenguin87 Boingloing slime Kibazuka Koso lafv54 PennPal CK89REY Struz NepXUni wsupden Chi_Ponyo warriorddr Kyy TheMusserO alecksaur TheStoopid Kuboxxxxx DaKree RD BigCMA87 Judicium Nemesis Horsey !ElCaMiX! Dental Pantaloons B3NS3X Tuhka Widget ThisIsBroken CABO Clasko Yani zulrah KuraiGekkou ST3V_IORY N30S Grima AGreenRupee HINATA-TCOL nabi no bar moty Fieoner devilzukin NDimensional BigPenguin Appe ChubbyThePhat Kaps SheepyChris kadef Razpberrie zQera Santiii Andz Gloves Chance R. taeman LinusGale HURG OverKlockD PerfectTaste Raazar WokeMoralist69 FredFuchs Beta DJPandaga BigYama Mikerob JordanGirardot Zenius Estebantelz SYN.(period) Guuppa mld Snow Latte typobox tim MrMeatloaf jUN CSK Fanatik25 PenguinLordX WAY2022 Andeh CpawsMusic XeaLouS djlunatix LuckJury QooMA SAN REMO UK.s34n MausSqueaks asterism0 TigerShark Stru SPVLABS NoBarNao 4199 DanceMeeps Shadows kiko Zlew Kheirn c sabidesu Mallow Xidi Stikam maboesanman Matt R apathetique Kommisar ClenonWolf Yunch GokouRuri cuteshark1 lililotta Jiyu Dancefreak sora1700 Jolie LaybugTheRaven whisper Twix BadOppa xapa Borisaur sp0kes ForkySpoon hlp Alternate Enjoyer DerpyPengu DEVLZUKN anti_fun Peli Ch1ppy Naraku robin_ lucky DanielsanX4A Meta-link Bird Kriptopolis PaddyCo Zarzob no bar Siren Pan Woonoo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Caji123 Popplio remonia undrscore migz copas Zivie87




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 2008 EXP
    • 1189 Gold
    • 8 DPRT Accolades




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4918 EXP
    • 1788 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 19015 EXP
    • 3169 Gold
    • 16 DPRT Accolades




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 46922 EXP
    • 4295 Gold
    • 24 DPRT Accolades
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 8725 EXP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 16564 EXP
    • 15512 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 35126 EXP
    • 28082 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 47257 EXP
    • 65940 JP
    • 6 FE Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 1949 EXP
    • 809 BB
    • 6 SN Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4575 EXP
    • 1239 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 13397 EXP
    • 2112 BB
    • 16 SN Accolades
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 37379 EXP
    • 2977 BB
    • 30 SN Accolades


    In recognition of exemplary service to the three great nations, the Godfather of Stamina will bequeath an heirloom treasure of the Stamina Nation unto those who have proven themselves worthy.


    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 5'
    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 5'
    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 5'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 49202 EXP
    Please wait...